Draw a Game Concept Together


Note: Instructions are also given throughout the game.

'Draw a game concept together' is a game that can be played as a group on one device. In this game, you'll use your imagination to draw something based on a prompt. Then, the next player in the group will add something to the drawing based on the next prompt. This goes on for several rounds. Together, you will have visualized an idea for a game concept! You should reflect on the final drawing with the group.


Move the mouse and hold Left Click to draw brush strokes. Click on one of the colors in the top right color picker to change the brush color. Click on one of the three dots to change the brush size.

When finished with a drawing, click the Finish button in the top left.
If the time limit is passed during a drawing, this round's drawing is automatically finished.

Custom Prompts

You can use the Custom Prompts button to change the prompts. The best way is to edit a list in Notepad and paste it into the game.

You can make sure two or more prompts won't appear in the same rotation by keeping them on the same line, separated by |.